Friday, November 6, 2009

My Letter to Congressman Mike McIntire

[If you would like to use any portion of this email, please feel free. I encourage you to send an email today encouraging a NO vote, and then follow-up with a phone call TODAY. Pelosi is pushing for a Saturday vote, so your input (coupled with the demonstration at the Capitol yesterday) may carry some weight]



(1) Contents of current version fo the Healthcare Bill, many of which violation your principle listed in your statement.

(2) Pelosi's refusal to allow posting of the bill online for Representatives to READ the bill BEFORE voting.

(3) The MAD RUSH to get this bill out of the House without serious input and debate.

(4) $1.2 TRILLION cost of the Bill and the associated SPINNING that it will not impact spending or the deficit.

(5) Massive cuts to Medicare. And NO, I don't believe that the federal government will actually find the the fraud and remove it from the cash flow stream. If it were to be, it would already be happening in the current very target rich environment (See NYT's editorial on NY State Fraud, See Medicaid Fraud, See Medicaid fraud in South Florida, etc., etc.

(6) The USE of language to STUDY Medical Malpractice Lawsuits/Tort Reform, instead of hard proposals to control these costs is a purely political (DEM) ploy.

(7) Gives the Federal Government control (through rules setting, rate setting, policy setting) of MY HEALTH CARE. This is an unwelcomed and unprecedented grab of my personal LIBERTY. I will not sit by and remain unresponsive to this type of action by the legislative branch.

I could go page by page (I actually read the 1900 page version). It is very poorly cobbled together legislation that reflects extremely poorly on the ENTIRE HOUSE. If actually passed into law, it would be a bureaucrats nightmare/field day to shape/warp the implementation into an even more dreadful outcome for citizens.

I will be watching closely to see your definitive statement on whether or not you plan to vote for or against this bill. I STRONGLY ENCOURAGE A NO VOTE. I will follow-up with a call to your office today to better understand your position and planned vote.

Respectfully Submitted,

Citizen Jim